Monday, 30 December 2013

The Donald Featherstone Memorial Game (Part 2)

On my right flank the infantry advances onto the table
And comes under accurate Artillery fire !
'S' counters it by sending his Chasseur's through the woods.
In the centre my columns cross the river to find their way blocked by 'S's Turco's.
The forces clash on the hill top and I start to get the upper hand !
'S' rushes reinforcements to hold up my attack ! - at this point the battle was defiantly going my way !. BUT I then did a series of things that snatched defeat from the jaws of victory !.
I ignored his lancers and moved my infantry up in column to cut his centre - they charged and my Jaegers and Artillery failed to stop them with supporting fire !.
Under Don's rules getting charged in the flank is NOT a good thing - they broke and were cut down by the Lancers - Oh dear !
In the centre my Bavarians lost their last officer, failed a moral test and fled back across the river , the Wurttemberg infantry on their flank then failed their moral test for a flank unit fleeing and broke as well - Oh dear !.
'S's view of the table - he had started pulling his units back just prior to my debacle now with a grin on his face he countermanded this and followed up my fleeing forces !. 
The situation on the last move , the Bavarians continue to flee but the Wurttemberg unit is rallied by the Prussian High Command .
The French Zouaves move forward to control the ridge , urged on by their Cantiniere !
One of the only rule changes we made was to allow one French casualty to re roll a failed saving throw if a Cantiniere was present - if he was successful she had revived him with her brandy !.
To add insult to injury 'S' managed to cause casualties on my gun preventing it from firing . It was French victory - due to my mistakes and a touch of bad luck . We both agreed it had been a good and tense game , the rules worked well after 50 odd years and took only 2 hours to play . We hope it was a fitting memorial to a great wargamer . Who knows it may become a seasonal tradition !.
P.S. on seeing the photo of us in the first instalment, 'S' said that it did not make me look fat - only 'portly' - Not sure if he is trying to be kind or it's a pun !?



Saturday, 28 December 2013

The Donald Featherstone Memorial Game 2013 (Part 1)

It was decided about a month ago to do a memorial game in the style of and to commemorate Donald Featherstone and his rules. 'S' set me a challenge to get my Franco Prussian War figures all painted ready for the game - which I manage to do - just !. We decided to dress formally as people in Don's early photos appear - 'S' sporting his fathers cravat and smoking jacket and myself a collar and tie . Here we are toasting Don's memory . I said to my wife "I don't like this photo it makes me look fat !"- she replied "but you are !, Hmm ! 'Et to Bruti' !
'S' steps back into 1960's mode . I've tried several different types of 'messing about' with photos techniques in this report to try and capture the period - some work better than others.
We played the scenario from Don's first book but with Franco Prussian figures instead of ACW  ones. The Terrain was set up as close as I could manage to the Platteville Valley . I took the Prussians and 'S' the French (he's a bit of a Francophile). Here is the situation at the end of the second move , my Bavarians and Wurttembergers  move towards the river as 'S's troops move down the road towards the bridge.
On move Three the rest of the units came onto their respective board edges, my Hussars came onto the table near the bridge and dashed across it much to 'S's consternation ! - my 'Coup D' Elite' !
On the other flank the main force of my infantry marched on .
The situation at the end of the Third move .
'S's troops way is blocked by the miniature bottle of Port.
'S's left flank with the French Lancers in reserve.
My Hussars cross the bridge and deploy and in the centre my infantry move over the river .
My Hussars charge the French line and block the line of sight of my deployed Artillery ! Rats!.
They take casualties but in a close fought melee they hold the French advance up !.
The French Mitrailleuse is knocked out by the Prussian gun .
The much depleated Hussars retire their mission completed - but at a cost !. So far Don's rules had stood the test of time ! . Too be continued ........


Monday, 23 December 2013

A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

Here's wishing you all a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year and thanks for your support in the last one and here's to the next ! - Cheers Tony.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Wurttemberg Infantry .

Still battling on trying to get the remaining unpainted figures ready for our game at Christmas . The next in the queue were this unit of Wurttembergers , nice simple figures to paint .
There is only the French Zouaves to paint now and these are glued up and ready for spraying .
I have also got these Cantiniere done for the French units , L to R - Turco, Legere, Line and a rather dashing figure for the Zouaves .

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Oh La la ! ! !

It is my plan to add Cantinierie to my French units to add a bit of colour to them and I ordered some from Tradition from their 'Willie' range . One was described as bending down and seemed to be rummaging around in her haversack - so I ordered one to add variety . You can imagine my shock and horror to find on closer inspection on receiving the figure that she was in a state of dishabille ! , pulling on her trousers and unfortunately exposing her - erm ! - 'rear echelon's' . I apologies for the somewhat shaky painting of the figure - I put it down to old age . This young lady is I think destined for the French High Command base where her talents will be appreciated !.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

A French Mitrailleuse .

In my quest to get everything ready for the game at Christmas I wanted to have a change from painting infantry.
Instead of another gun and crew I decided to give the French a Mitrailleuse- a sort of early machine gun .
Very cute - hope it performs better on the table top than it did in history !.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Painting Challenge - Turco's Finished !.

Last post I mentioned that we were planning a Memorial game around Christmas time to celebrate the anniversary of the publication of the Featherstone's 'Horse and Musket' rules . 'S' set me a challenge to paint up the FPW  figures I have in stock to play this game - challenge accepted ! .
The first unit to get painted is a French unit of Algerian Turcos - cos they have nice bright uniforms !.
By clearing the painting tray of all other projects I've managed to get this unit done .
The varnish was still slightly tacky when I took these photos . A French Mitrailleuse and crew will be  next I think !.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

O.S. F.P.W. Bavarians - And A Challenge.

I was talking to 'S' about Don Featherstone and his great influence on me and my hobby and said I had been thinking of a sort of commemorative game to mark the 50th Anniversary of the publication of his rules . 'S' said that he was available sometime over Christmas and we should play the game then , "you could get the rest of that F.P.W. stuff done and we could use it for the game !" - he said . The gauntlet having been thrown down I have started to finish off the figures I have in storage -  4 units of foot and a Prussian gun and a French Mitrailleuse . Luckly I had already started painting the Bavarians .
This means I have a Wurttemberg Regt. for the Prussians and a Zouave Regt. and a Algerian Turco Regt. for the French - Damn !- two rather complicated uniforms there !. However I am setting to and hope to complete them by Christmas - phew !.
As well as the Bavarians I did another Prussian Brigadier in the form of this rather 'natty' Bavarian . Well I had better get on painting - Turcos first I think !.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

F.P.W. Prussian Hussars.

Finally got the Prussian Hussars done ! , these poor figures seem to have hung around for months . They are the 5th Hussar Regt.
They were incredibly difficult to put together , but I'm pleased with the way they have turned out .
Here they are in my current game facing off some French Lancers - Hmm let's hope the curse of the newly painted figures does not strike !. 
The same photo in period tone.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Guilt !.

One of the great things about a blog is that you can look back at your past endeavours and bask in their progress and successes ! - the downside is that it can remind you of all those projects started and never finished . A year ago I was gushing enthusiastically about starting two Old School FPW armies and unusually for me I even set out a plan - sadly after the initial flush of enthusiasm it has been cast aside . Then I came across some Prussian Hussars that I had made up and sprayed ready for painting - they were languishing in the shed and even had a cobweb on them ! - guilt ridden I have started painting them and started gluing together the other couple of infantry units I had in storage . It would be nice to complete this project this year as it is nearly half finished , so watch this space -


Wednesday, 30 October 2013

After The Battle Caculations.

After the battle you then go through a series of 'Post Battle' processes - Randall Hill goes up a rank and receives 3 Elan Points (EP) - 2 for turning up and 1 for leading a charge. The individual regiments take permanent battle losses plus any losses due to camp fevers and as you can see most units lost heavily . The 1st Michigan became 'Seasoned Veterans' , the 38th N.Y. received a 'Hero' and a new regiment was transferred into the Brigade the 4th Michigan- a Seasoned Veteran unit who also have a attached company of Sharpshooters .  To bring the Brigade up to the required number of bases (40) another unit is added the 11th N.Y. (Fire Zouaves) . I am now ready to fight the next battle which takes place in 1862.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

'Longstreet' Campaign , First Battle 1861

I have started the campaign from the 'Longstreet' rules - my Commander is Col. Randall Hill who served in the Regular Artillery before the war and then moved into railroads , but has answered his countries call and re-joined the army . (Randall Hill is the name of a bungalow in our village - it always sounds like an American politician to me !)

His Brigade . The first battle is set in 1861 and his Brigade has been given the task of capturing a ridge from the enemy . It was played against my gaming colleague 'A'.
'A' insisted on bringing his own General figure .
My troops prepare to attack .
Col. Hill helps position and aim the guns personally - with impressive results !.
'A' consults his cards and by the demonic look in his eyes - Beelzebub as well !.
My attack goes in !.
The highpoint of my game - the cavalry overrun his guns !
I'm afraid to say that I didn't manage to record the rest of the battle as the action grew furious and although I took his guns and captured one of the objective markers I was forced back, ran out of command cards and so lost the battle !. How this will affect the Brigade will have to be diced for and the results posted next time.