Sunday 16 February 2014

A.C.W. Union Regulars.

Rather pleased with myself keeping on track with my painting schedule - I can be such a wargaming butterfly and hop from one subject to another. I am attempting to finish off the ACW  lead mountain and so next up were this unit which I decided would be painted as Union Regulars , there is some evidence to suggest that early in the war the Regulars wore the pre-war dark blue trousers - so to make them stand out I've give them these. The figures are by Crusader Miniatures , who do a limited range of infantry . I wanted figures wearing the 'Hardee' hat and full dress frock coats and there are not many manufacturers out there who do them , they are nice solid figures which match the Perry's size wise.



  1. Great job you've done with them as well. Excellent looking regiment sir!

  2. Great looking the flags too!

    1. They are photocopied from the ones in the Perry boxes

  3. Really great work, well done Sir.

  4. Very good. I am always tempted to ACW stuff after seeing figures like these.

  5. 'Far from the Madding Crowd' - the best of Thomas Hardy's novels. Never really liked the other two I've read. But if you like the kind of bucolic settings, you might like George Eliot's 'Silas Marner'.

    Well presented Union soldiery, by the way!

    1. Had to read it for my exams 40 odd years ago - pleasantly surprised in re reading it again and of course there was the film - as a youngster I would have walked across hot coals for Julie Christe

  6. Hurrah! Back to the one true period ~ for a while anyway...
