Sunday, 20 October 2013

Seek And Ye Shall Find !.

I have been painting extra figures for my ACW collection and I needed more artillery , now I knew I had got some guns off eBay about a year ago - but could I find them ?! , I looked high and low and still I could not find them ! - my wife said (accurately- as well sad to say) "I don't know how you find anything in your toy soldier room "!). So I bought a couple of new ones from Foundry , yesterday I knocked a box over that was perched precariously under my gaming table and on cursing and picking up the spilled contents I found the packets of guns I had been looking for !. So here they are glued up ready for spraying and painting.
Occasionally in 'Longstreet' (the rule set I am using at present) you need 'hero' figures so I have painted up a couple in suitably heroic stances !. I have started a campaign using these rules and will report back on the progress soon.


  1. Love the heroes and glad you unearthed the artillery!

  2. I secretly knew if I bought some more I would find them .

  3. I have the same difficulty, though it's usually either my glasses or a modelling knife I was using a few moments before!

  4. Great looking figures on the second pictures, fantastic paintwork!
