Tuesday 6 May 2014

Virginia Provincial Regiment.

Months ago Galloping Major Miniatures were doing a deal on their new FIW range- so I went ahead and bought some of their very nice figures - 'but its easier to buy figures than it is to paint them !' and it has taken till now to get them done. 

I've painted them as the Virginia Regiment - which was commanded by George Washington during the French Indian War . I will be using these with the 'Tomahawks and Muskets' rules .

The command figures , Galloping Major do a very nice range of figures - rather 'chunky' maybe but they match well with most of the other ranges out there.


  1. Fine work! What's next then?

  2. Very good painting....I look forward to seeing more.

  3. Due to problems with Google not supporting Virgin.net I'm having problems posting on this site . To preserve my sanity I have decided to start up another blog at http://tonystoysoldiers.blogspot.co.uk , if people would like to 'refollow' me to this site I'd be most grateful Cheers Tony

  4. Nice regiment - too beautiful to be sent into a fight! I like this blue coats very much - nicely painted!!

  5. Great paint job on those minis. I nominated your blog for the Liebster Award. You can read about it on my blog.


    1. Many thanks - will reply in due course . Due to lots of problems with Blogger I've had to restart my blog at - http://tonystoysoldiers.blogspot.co.uk/

  6. Very colorful, love them!

  7. A wonderful uniform...and paint job!!

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